Bay City Rowing Club

We’re excited to announce a new Learn to Row program structure that will better educate and train those interested in trying the sport. We will be offering two 10-week long classes that will both start the first week of June. One class will meet every Tuesday, and the other class will meet every Thursday. Neither class will meet the week of July 3, to celebrate the week of Independence Day when most people travel. Both classes will meet for a total of 10 coached rowing sessions and each class will be lead by an experienced, dedicated BCRC member.

Tuesday Learn to Row Class
June 6 – August 15

Thursday Learn to Row Class
June 8 – August 17

BCRC’s improved Learn to Row structure provides a better pace for learning and will allow new rowers more opportunity to practice both on, and off, the water. Developing the necessary muscle memory and learning the unique body movements and terminology of rowing simply takes time. New rowers will feel less rushed and more comfortable with the movements and the commands. This should also reduce frustrations that come with the challenges of learning to row, and overall increase the class enjoyment.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning how to row, additional information can be found on the Learn to Row page. Helpful information like what to expect and frequently asked questions can be reviewed. Those wishing to sign-up for a Learn to Row class can reserve their boat seat by registering online. Online processing is done through PayPal, and you don’t have to have a PayPal account to register. Anyone with additional questions can send us an email through our Contact form, or send us a message on Facebook.